Monday, March 2, 2015


You all have read in my many articles my mentioning of "In His Name Sake."  But incase you have missed this and what was meant behind this, God, in that He couldn't swear by anyone higher, swore by His own NAME, that what He promises He would do, in His own time and way, knowing when this line was crossed.  If He were ever to break this promise, He would destroy Himself.  So, you know what's at stake, and why it appears that at times He is to long suffering, and to quick others times; or appears as evil and not good.  Whatever moves He makes is based in His Name Sake.   Seeing this, gives you a better view of what’s going on in the affairs of this world, and why things are allowed to go on the way that they do. 

This recent debates about Israel and American relationships and whether we should be backing Israel in what many times appears as wrong; right or wrong, in what they do, has nothing to do  with nothing.  What do I mean?  Example; let's say Israel goes against the current rejection by the United States of them attacking Iran with this debate over Iran having nuclear weapons.  If this attack "crosses this line," of American, or the U.N. mandates, it doesn't even come into play in  my renewed mind;  God, "BECAUSE" of His Name sake, would work this attack, right or wrong, in accord to His promise to sustain the "Remnant" and not those who initiated this attack, right or wrong.  I hope you now see what I meant when I said that it has nothing to do with nothing; whether their attack is right or wrong, or the world agrees or disagrees, matters little, it comes down to His Name Sake and promise to sustain a remnant to fulfill His swore promise to make them a nation.  God, for His name sake would go to bat, for this Remnant, whether right or wrong on the part of other Jewish leaders.   Even when Jesus, because of this promise, went "first" to the household of Israel, even when the majority of that generation of Hebrews rejected their King, this did not cancel out God's swore promise to make them a nation; that Remnant was there, receiving their Messiah. (Remember, the majority of the early “called out assembly,” the Church, were make up of Jewish individuals…I am not suggesting replacement theology, the Jewish people are still the Jewish people, and held to God’s promises to them; and the “called out assembly, the church, has its own promises.  Something I have dealt with in other writings.)

Have you ever notice that this rejection of their Messiah also was part of another promise God had made to Abram, whose name was later changed to Abraham; why was his name changed?  God fulfilled the meaning to Abram’s name being changed to Abraham, by Jesus turning to the Gentiles, after being rejected by the Jewish nation, so that Abraham would be the fulfillment of the meaning of that name change, "BEING THE FATHER OF MANY NATIONS."  So, God fulfilled His promise at the rejection of His own Son...imagine that!  What to the eyes of some would appear to be evil, worked God’s promise, for HIS NAME SAKE.

This Remnant, that I have mentioned, will see this fact during the first 3 ½ years of the Tribulation period, being preached to by the Two Witnesses, and the 144,000 Jewish witnesses; which fulfills this promise that  God swore by and oath and promise, will be protected from the terror of the coming False Messiah, known as the Anti-Christ.  And at the end of this 7 years of Tribulation, reign with their King, Jesus, their Messiah, as God promised, for 1,000 years.   We, this called out assembly (the Church), will reign with our Lord, ruling the nations that  surround this Nation, a Nation for His Name Sake.  Amazing!

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